Need some extra support?


We all struggle with our mental and emotional health at various points in our lives. For these difficult times, having support can mean so much and make all the the difference. Here are some helplines and support resources that can help you through the more challenging times in life.

  • Try Stress Management


  • Mental health Europe

    Tele Onthaal (Belgium)

    Livslinien (Demark)

    S.O.S Amitie (France)

    TelefonSeelsorge (Germany)

    Telefono Amico Italia (Italy)

    113 Online (Netherlands)

    Kirk’s SOS (Norway)

    SOS Voz Amiga (Portugal)

    Telefono De La Esperanza Spain (Spain)

    Mind (Sweden)

    The Samaritans Switzerland (Switzerland)

  • Mental Health USA (USA)

    National Alliance on Mental Illness (USA)


    Hope For Wellness (Canada)

    Prince Albert Branch (Canada)

  • Samaritans of Singapore (Singapore)

    I Call (India)

    Aasra (India)

    LifeLink (Japan)

    Social Help Centre (Thailand)

    Befrienders (Malaysia)

  • FCDF (Yemen)

    ERAN (Iran)

  • R U OK (Australia)

    MensLine (Australia)

    Beyond Blue (Australia)

    LifeLine (New Zealand)

  • BetterHelp





    The Lifeline App