Healing in community

Classes & Groups


Free and affordable classes & groups

Below are a selection of groups and classes that you can get involved in for free, or at affordable rates. These are all aimed at supporting your emotional wellbeing and trauma recovery.

Let’s Talk About Trauma:

a free online class

An introductory session that is aimed at empowering you through trauma education. This group is completely free. I will go through the causes and effects of trauma, as well as ways we can begin to heal.

Trauma-informed Yoga Classes

Yoga with a focus on healing and compassion. Our in-person yoga classes offer you a way to connect to your body, to your emotions and to calm your mind. Includes a short meditation and breath work, too!

Women’s Circle

A compassionate, loving space exclusively for women to be able to share, get real, celebrate and receive encouragement and support from other sisters in the community on their healing journey.

Your Healing Space: Coming Soon

A space for feeling and processing emotions. A powerful session combining sound, breath, body movement and meditation with a focus on emotional healing and self-connection.



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If you wish to contact me personally, you can get in touch with me here.